Terms of Use

Using The Images from Free Photo for Your Blog

All images and photos in this site are property of the freeblogphoto.blogspot.com and copyrighted to the author or its contributors. By using the images after downloading files from this site you agree with the following terms:

You may use the images or photos downloaded from freeblogphoto.blogspot.com 100% free of charge for any personal or commercial design work.

Credit for the use of files downloaded from this site such as a link back to freeblogphoto.blogspot.com is much appreciated. You can copy the following code and paste it on your site:

You may not claim images you've donwloaded from freeblogphoto.blogspot.com as your own work.

You may not redistribute or resell image files downloaded from yhis site in any other way, modified, unmodified, standalone or combined with another product without contacting us, but you can do it and needn't to contact us if you place this Site URL in yours as life link without tag "rel=nofollow". Using the photos or images in website templates, on postcards, etc. doesn’t count as redistribution or selling, however you are not allowed to build a gallery using the materials you downloaded from here.

You may not sub-license, assign, or transfer this license to anyone else without prior written consent from us via email.

You may not use any of the images found herein for the purpose of spreading hate or discrimination, or to defame or victimise other people, sociteties, cultures.

You may not use any of the images to promote adult oriented products (eg. websites,magazines,etc) and any dating services.

You may not use any of the Photography to promote any drug retailers.

How to download
Open the image then click it to enlarge
Right click then save image as